Companies that offer products or services on credit understand the importance of keeping up with debtors, but more important is knowing the best means to recover such debts from individuals who owe them.

Debt Collection can be a sensitive matter for some of your clients, and they could well be clients that you intend on continuing a productive relationship with. With this in mind, our agents handle debt collection orders with respect and understanding for those debtors who show goodwill and intend on paying what they owe to you while sorting them from non-compliant debtors.

Before the process of litigation commences, soft collection approaches first seek to identify debtors who wish to continue a business relationship with your company so that suitable settlement plans can be negotiated between us, you and them. Those debtors which are unresponsive after soft-collection strategies have been implemented will then be pushed forward for litigation proceedings.

For non-compliant debtors that have failed to respond to soft-collection strategies, our team provides litigation services that keep best practices of South African law in mind through the appropriate legal preparation which include letters of demand and summons being issued to the debtor. Should the debtor still be non-compliant, we can apply for judgment by default which results in a warrant of execution against the debtor’s movable assets or to give the debtor a chance to make a plea.

Our tailored pricing allows for more flexibility when utilising our collection services.
We ensure this by assessing your needs as an individual or corporate entity to determine if a fixed fee is appropriate to your situation, or whether fees should be paid upon success of collection.
Tel: (011) 867 2999 | Fax: (011) 867 3999 | Council for Debt Collectors Registration number is 0003981/03.